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Англо-русский юридический словарь - close


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка close на русский


1) окончание; прекращение | закрывать

2) заключение | заключать | строго охраняемый

to close a contract — заключить договор;

to close a transaction — заключить сделку;

to close the case — прекратить дело производством;

to close the records on a case — прекратить дело производством

close of argumentclose of evidence

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См. в других словарях

  1) конец2) закрытие, окончание (работы)3) замыкание4) шотл. проход к лестнице многоквартирного дома5) площадка для игр (при школе)6) закрывать (напр. дверь) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) запирать; замыкать2) закрытый; плотный3) близко расположенный4) жёсткий (о допуске)5) тугой (о посадке)6) точный (о регулировании)•to air close — закрывать с помощью пневматикиto spring close — закрывать посредством пружины ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • заполнить пробел• краткий и содержательный• почти равный• сократить разрыв ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  translation точный перевод CLOSE up поблизости CLOSE upon постепенно окружать, надвигаться As darkness closed on them, they decided to return home. CLOSE vote почти равное деление голосов CLOSE with  а) вступать в борьбу The two men closed with their attackers.  б) принимать предложение, заключать сделку After hours of talking about the price, the shopkeeper at last closed with the salesmans offer. The two ministers didnt close with each other until near the end of the meeting.  в) заканчивать что-л. чем-л. The priest closed the meeting with a prayer.  г) be closed with иметь конфиденциальную встречу Im sorry, you cant go in that room, the chairman is closed with the director for an urgent meeting. CLOSE cropped коротко остриженный CLOSE texture плотная ткань CLOSE contact тесный контакт CLOSE column сомкнутая колонна CLOSE call amer. на волосок от CLOSE borough город/округ, в котором выборы фактически находятся под контролем одного лица CLOSE about окутывать; окружать As darkness closed about them, they decided to return home. CLOSE a bargain заключить сделку; прийти к соглашению CLOSE I  1. adj.  1) закрытый  2) уединенный; скрытый to keep a thing close - держать что-л. в секрете to keep/lie close - прятаться  3) замкнутый, молчаливый, скрытный to keep oneself close - держаться замкнуто  4) строгий (об аресте, изоляции)  5) спертый, душный  6) близкий (о времени и месте); тесный - close contact - get to close quarters - close attack - close column - close order - close defence  7)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. огороженное стеной место (около дома или деревни) breaking smb.'s close —- нарушение границы чужого земельного участка 2. соборная площадь, площадь вокруг собора; территория, обыкн. огороженная (включает постройки, сад) 3. площадка для игр (при школе) 4. шотл. ход со двора, проход к лестнице многоквартирного дома 5. тупик (улица) 6. закрытый close carriage —- закрытый экипаж close vowel —- фон. закрытый гласный 7. закрытый; ограниченный; замкнутый close season —- время, когда охота запрещена; охотничий сезон закрыт close terrain —- топ. закрытая местность close competition —- закрытый конкурс 8. замкнутый, уединенный to keep oneself close —- держаться замкнуто; жить уединенно 9. тайный, скрытый close intent —- тайное намерение to lie close —- прятаться to keep smth. close —- держать в секрете, скрывать to say smth. in closest confidence —- сказать строго конфиденциально 10. скрытный, сдержанный (о человеке) he was too close about his past life —- он скрывал свое прошлое 11. строго охраняемый close arrest —- строгий арест close cell —- особо охраняемая тюремная камера to keep in close confinement —- содержать в строгом заключении as close as an oyster —- умеет держать язык за зубами 12. закрывать to close a door —- закрыть дверь this road is closed to heavy motor traffic —- для грузового...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. закрытие, конец, заключение, окончание - at the close of the trading - at the close - buy on close - close a bargain - close a book - close a case - close a position - close accounts - close at - close down a factory - close down - close in with - close market - close of polling - close of year - close out - close prices - close supervision - close the accounts - close the books - close with 2. прил. 1) тесный, близкий 2) тщательный, точный 3) незначительный - close corporation - close examination - close margin of profit - close price 3. гл. закрывать(ся), заключать, кончать - close a deal - close a transaction - close an account - close with the offer CLOSE I сущ. 1) общ. закрытие, конец, заключение, окончание 2) бирж. закрытие биржи, период при закрытии (на срочных биржах обычно имеется в виду 30-минутный период в конце операционного дня) 3) бирж. закрытие (на товарных биржах: период непосредственно перед завершением торговой сессии для данного товара, в течении которого выполняются приказы о покупке/продаже по цене закрытия) 4) бирж. = closing price 5) эк. завершение сделки (напр., кредитного соглашения, т. е. перевод денег или передача документов на право собственности) 6) учет закрытие бухгалтерских книг (в конце учетного периода) 7) марк., торг. завершение процесса продажи (превращение потенциального покупателя в реального) See: assumptive close adviser approach emotional close incentive close II...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) закрывать(ся) 2) замыкать 3) прекращать (работу); заканчивать, завершать 4) закрытый 5) замкнутый; узкий 6) скрытый, тайный, секретный 7) близкий 8) похожий 9) плотный; компактный 10) почти close to convex function — близкая к выпуклой функция close tube bank — стесненный пучок труб hexagonal close packing — гексагональная плотная упаковка very close approximation — весьма хорошее приближение with close spacing — тесно расположенные, с малыми интервалами to be close to — тяготеть к to close a bag — заделывать мешок to come close — сближаться to close parenthesis — закрывать скобки to close the loop — замыкать контур to close on itself — замыкаться на себя - arbitrary close - infinitesimally close - sufficiently close ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  закрывать, замыкать CLOSE COUPLING сильная связь (между обмотками РЧ-трансформатора) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) закрывать(ся) 2) перекрывать 3) навивать (пружину, трос) 4) замыкать (контакт, цепь) 5) вчт. прекращать (работу) 6) тупик 7) огороженный дворик 8) полигр. знак закрытия, второй член парных знаков (кавычек, скобок) 9) конец (цитаты) 10) лесн. загущенная посадка to close force polygon — замыкать силовой многоугольник ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) situated at only a short distance or interval. 2 a having a strong or immediate relation or connection (close friend; close relative). b in intimate friendship or association (were very close). c corresponding almost exactly (close resemblance). d fitting tightly (close cap). e (of hair etc.) short, near the surface. 3 in or almost in contact (close combat; close proximity). 4 dense, compact, with no or only slight intervals (close texture; close writing; close formation; close thicket). 5 in which competitors are almost equal (close contest; close election). 6 leaving no gaps or weaknesses, rigorous (close reasoning). 7 concentrated, searching (close examination; close attention). 8 (of air etc.) stuffy or humid. 9 closed, shut. 10 limited or restricted to certain persons etc. (close corporation; close scholarship). 11 a hidden, secret, covered. b secretive. 12 (of a danger etc.) directly threatening, narrowly avoided (that was close). 13 niggardly. 14 (of a vowel) pronounced with a relatively narrow opening of the mouth. 15 narrow, confined, contracted. 16 under prohibition. --adv. 1 (often foll. by by, on, to, upon) at only a short distance or interval (they live close by; close to the church). 2 closely, in a close manner (shut close). --n. 1 an enclosed space. 2 Brit. a street closed at one end. 3 Brit. the precinct of a cathedral. 4 Brit. a school playing-field or playground. 5 Sc. an entry from the street to a common stairway or to a court at the back. Phrases and idioms at close quarters very close together. close-fisted niggardly. close-fitting (of a garment) fitting close to the body. close-grained without gaps between fibres etc. close harmony harmony in which the notes of the chord are close together. close-hauled (of a ship) with the sails hauled aft to sail close to the wind. close-knit tightly bound or interlocked; closely united in friendship. close-mouthed reticent. close score Mus. a score with more than one part on the same staff. close season Brit. the season...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; closing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French clos-, stem of clore, from Latin claudere to shut, ~; perhaps akin to Greek kleiein to ~ — more at clavicle  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to move so as to bar passage through something ~ the gate  b. to block against entry or passage ~ a street  c. to deny access to the city ~d the beach  d. screen, exclude ~ a view  e. to suspend or stop the operations of ~ school — often used with down  2. archaic en~, contain  3.  a. to bring to an end or period ~ an account  b. to conclude discussion or negotiation about the question is ~d; also to consummate by performing something previously agreed ~ a transfer of real estate title  c. to terminate access to (a computer file or program)  4.  a. to bring or bind together the parts or edges of a ~d book  b. to fill up (as an opening)  c. to make complete by circling or enveloping or by making continuous ~ a circuit  d. to reduce to nil ~d the distance to the lead racer  intransitive verb  1.  a. to contract, fold, swing, or slide so as to leave no opening the door ~d quietly  b. to cease operation the factory ~d down the stores ~ at 9 p.m.  2.  a. to draw near the ship was closing with the island  b. to engage in a struggle at ~ quarters ; grapple ~ with the enemy  3.  a. to come together ; meet  b. to draw the free foot up to the supporting foot in dancing  4. to enter into or complete an agreement ~ on a deal  5. to come to an end or period the services ~d with a short prayer  6. to reduce a gap ~d to within two points  • closable or ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, end, conclude, finish, complete, terminate mean to bring or come to a stopping point or limit. ~ usually implies that something has been in some way open as well as unfinished ~ a debate. end conveys a strong sense of finality ended his life. conclude may imply a formal closing (as of a meeting) the service concluded with a blessing. finish may stress completion of a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]SHUTTING OR COMPLETING (closes, closing, closed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered. If you are cold, close the window... Zacharias heard the door close... Keep the curtains closed. = shut ? open VERB: V n, V, V-ed 2. When you close something such as an open book or umbrella, you move the different parts of it together. Slowly he closed the book. VERB: V n 3. If you close something such as a computer file or window, you give the computer an instruction to remove it from the screen. (COMPUTING) To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard. VERB: V n 4. When you close your eyes or your eyes close, your eyelids move downwards, so that you can no longer see. Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep... When we sneeze, our eyes close. VERB: V n, V 5. When a place closes or is closed, work or activity stops there for a short period. Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day... It was Saturday; they could close the office early... Government troops closed the airport... The restaurant was closed for the night. = shut ? open VERB: V, V n, V n, V-ed 6. If a place such as a factory, shop, or school closes, or if it is closed, all work or activity stops there permanently. Many enterprises will be forced to close... If they do close the local college I’ll have to go to Worcester. VERB: V, V n • Close down means the same as close. Minford closed down the business and went into politics... Many of the smaller stores have closed down. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V P, also V n P • closing ...since the closing of the steelworks in nearby Duquesne in 1984. = closure N-SING 7. To close a road or border means to block it in order to prevent people from using it. They were...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »SHUT« to shut something so that there is no longer a space or hole, or to become shut in this way  (Ann closed her book and stood up. | close a door/window/gate)  (Would you mind if I closed the window? | close the curtains/blinds/shutters)  (Close the curtains - it's getting dark. | close your eyes)  (Beth closed her eyes and tried to sleep.)  (- see open2) 2 »NO LONGER EXIST« also close down if a company, shop etc closes or you close it, it stops operating permanently  (We have reluctantly decided to close the factory.) 3 »FOR A PERIOD OF TIME« also close up if a shop or building closes or you close it, it stops being open to the public for a period of time; shut1 (15)  (The shops close at six.) 4 »BOOK/SPEECH ETC« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep if a book, play, speech etc closes or someone closes it, it ends in a particular way  (close sth/with/by etc)  (The Prime Minister closed his speech by making an appeal for peace.) + with/by/when  (The novel closes when the family are re-united in Prague. | closing remarks (=something that you say at the end of an official talk or speech)) 5 close an account to stop having an account with a bank 6 »FINANCIAL/ECONOMIC« if business shares (share2 (6)) or currency (1) closes at a particular price, they are worth that amount at the end of a day's trade on the stock-market: + at/down etc  (Portland shares closed only 4p down at 112p.) 7 close a deal/sale/contract etc to successfully arrange a business deal, sale etc 8 »OFFER« to finish on a particular date  (Special offer closes June 3.) 9 »DISTANCE/DIFFERENCE« to make the distance or difference between two things smaller  (Society needs to close the gap between rich and poor. | The other car was closing on us fast.) 10 »REDUCE ACTIVITIES ETC« to make an activity or opportunity no longer available  (The legislation closes a lot of loopholes in the tax law.) 11 be closed if a particular subject is closed, you are no longer willing to discuss it  (It was a regrettable incident but I now...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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